Privacy Policy
Last Updated: January 1st, 2020
This privacy policy that you agree to and accept when adding any of our "Gamer" bots to your server, or as a member of any server in which Gamer bots are on. "Gamer" bots refer to bots created and hosted by us at The code is public and therefore anyone can host their own version. Those are not "Gamer" bots!
This privacy policy applies to all of the following applications but not limited to:
- Gamer#5758
- Gamer-Beta#4271
- Gamer-Canary#4383
- VIP-1#3480
# What data do the bots collect?
The only data we will ever save are the settings commands that you will choose to save.
Majority of the settings are usually either just toggles of on or off, they can be id like channel ids, role ids or user ids. Very few settings will ever save data. Certain other commands will also save information, for example, the events, afk commands save your message you want saved.
We do not store any content without your express permission except certain command actions. When a trigger such as a command is done on the bot, the bot will log the username#discriminator, user id, server name, server id, channel name and channel id to our logs. These logs are then deleted every 30 minutes.
On servers that opt into more in depth features, we may save other data such as whenever a message is sent in a channel we increase a counter for that channel id. We do not however save who sent it, why they sent it or even what they sent.
# Why do the bots need the data and how do the bots use this data?
The data is stored when you use a command to control how the bots will function for you on your server. This data is needed to provide the functionality you chose to have enabled on your server. For example, to create a welcome message, we store the message you provided so that when a user joins we can send that message. Another example, when you save words to be automoderated by gamer, those words are saved so we can know which words to filter on your server.
Any of our logs to our console that are done for example when you run a command are used for debugging and maintaince of the bots. For example, when you use a command certain information is logged:
- username#discriminator,
- user id
- server name
- server id
- channel name
- channel id
This information is logged for instance when we detect an abuse of the bots we can determine which user is trying to abuse it. In an example, we had a server with some users users constantly spamming the same command 24/7. This made it so that the bots became extremely slow for all the other users on all other servers. The database became slower due to the amount of queries and all of this was due to an abuse on Discord and our bots.
This data is deleted every 30 minutes!
# Other than Discord the company and users of your own bot on Discord the platform, who do you share your collected data with, if anyone?
No one! We do not share data. NEVER!
# How can users have that data removed?
If you wish to remove any data that we save, there is a simple command available.
.settings reset
If this command is ran on your server, the bot will remove all data related to your server. If this command is ran in a private message(dm) with the bot, it will remove all data for your account.
However, it will not delete guild data related to your account such as your mod logs, or other information that the server saves for your account. Use the
help settings reset
command to learn how in more details.
# Data Storage
All stored data is kept on protected servers. Please keep in mind that even with these protections, no data can ever be 100% secure. We are not liable for any damages or stolen information, in which we collect, from our servers.
# Have concerns about the bots?