Idle Game Guide
Have you ever wondered what you can do to increase activity in your server? Have you ever wondered how you could teach your users about how to use Discord? Have you ever wanted to be rich? Have you ever noticed a ton of your members are online but they don't participate in your server? Well, the solution to all your questions is Gamer's Idle game!
The idle game feature is part of the entertainment package in the core of Gamer. It is a game that your members can play on your server. In no time at all, you will see users coming online more and more just to play and chat and buying friends, servers and so much more just to get ahead and be at the top of the leaderboards.
# What is the Idle Game?
The Idle game is a feature in the bot that lets you upgrade items in order to produce more money per second. As you progress, the costs will rise but so will the profit!
At the time of writing this, this feature is being released as a version 1. Over time, I plan to expand a lot more into this game such as a full length story about how Discord is trying to take over the world by making us all into mindless zombies who do nothing but send emojis 24/7. You will hack Discord's emails and find out all their evil plans and ofcourse post them on wiki leaks!
Furthermore, the game will also teach users about how to use Discord, so it is a great way not only to have fun but also have your users learn more about Discord. If new users are joining Discord for the first time, this game is a MUST have!
Lastly, who doesnt love the memes that come with the game!
# How do I get started?
Just create a new channel at the top of your server where users can easily see it. Don't worry you can move it anywhere you like but in my experience it works much better at the top. Once you create a channel like #idle at the top, go ahead and type .idle create
. This will create a profile for you in game and let you play. Feel free to play a little.
Follow the story and play the game! As your users see you playing, the game will become more and more addictive to all of them! Now to upgrade your first part, you simply type .idle upgrade
For every EPIC upgrade*(We will discuss the EPIC upgrades a little later when we get to the tutorial part of this guide)*, you will be sent several things. You will notice quite a lot of things in this image. Near the top you will begin seeing how this game teaches users how to use Discord. Slowly as the players play the game, they will discover more and more amazing tips & tricks on how to use Discord! You also get a fun little meme to make your players smile and enjoy.
Once you make a little bit of progress in the game, feel free to @ a few friends on your server to show them teasing them to try and catch up to you.
# Reason For Activity (VIP Servers)
If you are a VIP user, you can use this feature as a way to encourage a lot more activity in your server. VIP servers, have 2x multipler boost allowing all the users on your server to grow faster! Why is this important? The winner of the monthly idle game leaderboard competition will get free Nitro! This is an awesome way to encourage activity on your server by telling users that they have a better chance of getting free Nitro by playing on your server.
# Tutorial (Tips & Tricks To Winning)
Hey there! This is Skillz! Welcome to the Idle game tutorial! Today, we will be taking a look at how you will become one of the richest people on Discord!
# Creating A Profile
To create a profile simply type .idle create
! Follow the instructions the bot will send you!
# Upgrading Items
To upgrade an item, you have a variety of ways.
Will automatically default to purchasing 1 friends upgrade.
.idle upgrade
is the same as the above.
.idle upgrade friends
this will allow you to purchase 1 friend.
.idle upgrade friends 5
this will allow you to purchase 5 friends.
Remember you can only buy a maximum of 10 upgrades at once.
.idle upgrade servers 10
this will allow you to purchase 10 servers. Replace servers with different item names as you unlock them. Discovering new items will be seen below in the profile section. >.idle servers 10
is the same as the above but shorter.
The max option is only available for VIP users. .idle max
Purchases the maximum amount of friends you can afford.
.idle servers max
Purchases the maximum amount of servers you can afford. Replace servers with any item name!
# Understanding Idle
The idle aspect of this game is about how you will earn money per second. You can stop and go do something else and come back and discover you been making money all that time! Purchasing more items will ofcourse allow you to make more money per second.
By default, everyone is able to go offline for 2 hours and make money! VIP users can go offline for 8 hours! The leaderboards will only show these earnings once you come back and upgrade at least once.
Remember you don't need to constantly spam commands to earn money. You are always earning money! Use commands to collect it and upgrade your items.
# Epic Upgrades
Each item has about 2,000 levels! This may increase in the future. The items have EPIC upgrades which raise the multipler for each item.
For example a single friend normally grants you $1/s. So if you have level 24 friends you would be earning $24/s. Once you reach level 25 you will unlock the EPIC upgrade which grants you a higher multiplier. These multipliers make it so that sometimes it is better to upgrade your friends than it would be to upgrade a higher item. Find the best optimal strategy to maximize efficiency and climb the leaderboard!
# Multipliers
Level 1: x1 Level 25: x2 Level 50: x3 Level 75: x4 Level 100: x5 Level 150: x4 Level 200: x5 Level 300: x6 Level 400: x8 Level 500: x10 Level 600: x20 Level 700: x30 Level 800: x50 Level 900: x200 Level 1000: x300 Level 1250: x1250 Level 1500: x3800 Level 2000: x150000
# Shared Servers
For every server you share with Gamer, you will increase the multiplier. For example, if you shared 100 servers with Gamer, you will increase your multiplier by x100. Ask your server mods/admins to invite the bot to your server so more people can play and enjoy! The more servers you use the command in the more you will earn!
# Isekai Maid
Having Isekai maid bot on your servers will also grant you a similar level of multiplier. In total, this would grant you an extra x200 multiplier by having both bots on all your servers.
Isekai maid is a Discord Bot with 37,000+ characters from all sorts of animes/mangas to claim, level up, trade, and more!
Whether you are trying to maximize your profits or not, this bot is a MUST HAVE!
# Checking Your Profiles
.idle profile
# Climbing The Leaderboards
.idle leaderboards
.idle lb
The leaderboards have a few different things to understand.
- Your data will be shown at the top.
- The top 10-15 players will be shown.
- Each player will show the total cash in the bank.
- Each player will show the $/second (This is the marker used to determine the winner of the game!)
# VIP Benefits
As any game, there are always some benefits that can make it easier to play the game for those that support the bot.
# Max Upgrades
The max option is only available for VIP users. It will allow you to purchase items in bulk until you hit your next EPIC upgrade. Please note, that you may have money leftover.
For example, if you are at level 100 and have enough money to upgrade to level 200 the max option will bump you to level 200. If you can only afford 50 upgrades, it will upgrade you to level 150.
.idle max
Purchases the maximum amount of friends you can afford.
.idle servers max
Purchases the maximum amount of servers you can afford. Replace servers with any item name!
# Server Wide Multiplier
VIP servers all gain extra multipliers allowing their users on their server to earn at a faster rate! VIP users gain an extra multiplier as well.
Being a VIP user, playing in your VIP server is the best way to earn!
# Max Idle Time
Normally, users are able to gain money per second for up to 2 hours. VIP users can reach 8 hours allowing you to earn all night long!
# Understanding Cooldowns
When you start the game, you will notice that you have a cooldown. This may change at any time going up or down based on how many users are playing the game and how much. I promise to try my very best to keep it as fair as possible for everyone. Please don't be alarmed if the cooldowns are suddenly different for the next user playing after you. They are not cheating it is just dynamically changing. Only VIP users will have it slightly lower.
NOTE: VIP users will have HALF the cooldown! Gotta support the ones who support the bot!
Certain commands cooldowns are much stricter and no one will get a shorter cooldown because they require a lot more power to work. For example, the profile and leaderboard commands. Realistically, these commands do not really need to be used that often either.
With .idle lb
you can check the current leaderboard. It shows who got the most money and most income per second. It's sorted by the most income per second.
You can increase your income even more if you play the game on multiple servers at once!
# Nitro Winners
I know! I know! Believe me, I know! I have also sufferred from the onslaught of fake Nitro bots! But this is real!
There are also other reasons to take my word for it. I hope this does not come off as me bragging but more as a way to prove that I actually give away Nitro!
- I am one of the developers of ProBot (1 Million Plus Discord Servers)
- I am a Verified Discord Developer! You can check my profile!
- I have created my very own library for Discord's API (Discordeno)!
- I have been using Discord for years! I am not a fake newly created account to scam/steal anyone!
Still don't believe me? Don't take my word for it, take the word of all the winners.
Note as this is the first season of the game, this will be empty ofcourse.
The following may change at any time but most likely will not change:
- Seasons will last for a 1 month period!
- Profiles will be reset allowing the competition to be fair for everyone! (I may make a casual only profile mode for those that don't want to compete. Contact me if this is you. The more people that ask the more i will prioritize.)
- One winner will be selected.
- If we gain more VIP user's, this will increase. For example, if we have 12 VIP users, we may give 1 year of nitro!
- If we have even more, we can pick more winners!
# Top Servers
The servers listed here in the first season will be those that are at the top of the leaderboard. If you are at the top 3 in the leaderboard contact me Skillz and I will add your server to here. This is a way to help promote your server and meet new people that also love playing the game.
Note: Promoting your server here also has a downside. Users may join your server to learn how you play and use your strategies to win!